Lille is a Flemish city in northern France. Its outskirts are currently undergoing redevelopment at an amazing pace. This cinema complex, which includes shopping and restaurants, was a project by an English developer, and a Lebanon office was in charge of the project’s management. The initial consultations proceeded in a mixture of English and French. With the role of interpreter somehow falling to me, I sensed an unmeasurable distance between the two countries. The lighting of shopping centers tends to go in one of two polar directions: being boring and lacking personality, or becoming like a theme park. The architects put forward a request stating he wanted elegant lighting. After giving the project some thought, I went with a combination comprising an architectural light-up that accentuated the gold color of the outside walls and character of the stone material and a pastel colored lighting casting into the courtyard, which created a delicate and enjoyable effect by employing a “color shadow” phenomenon that I produced by faintly coloring the shadows of people that come through the courtyard.
: Heron Park
Project Team
: Paindavoine Parmentier Architectes
: 2007-2010
: 60 000 m2
Exterior lighting design